
Our Services / Allergies

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Allergies services offered in Surprise, AZ

If watery eyes and nasal congestion are impacting your quality of life, allergies may be the culprit behind your uncomfortable symptoms. At Fala Medical Clinic in Sun City, Arizona, Hamidullah Falla, MD, and Bridget Hoffman, NP, and Julia Shumkov, PA-C, offer comprehensive allergies testing and treatment. Allergy symptoms are treatable with the right care and support. To learn more, call Fala Medical Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

Allergies Q & A

What are allergies?

The immune system protects your body against potentially harmful attackers. It produces antibodies to ward off substances that it deems dangerous. An allergy is a reaction from the immune system to substances that typically aren’t harmful to the human body. 

If you have an allergy to a specific substance, your immune system releases antibodies, which trigger reactions in the skin, digestive system, or even the respiratory system. Some allergies are mild, while others are severe and potentially life-threatening.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Allergy symptoms vary depending on the type. Allergies are typically split into separate categories:

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

Symptoms of hay fever allergies include:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Red, watery, swollen eyes
  • Sneezing

Many people with allergic rhinitis also experience itching in the nose, eyes, or even the roof of the mouth.

Insect allergy

If you come in contact with an insect you’re allergic to, you may experience:

  • Itching
  • Swelling at the sting site
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness

Hives, or itchy red bumps, are also common in those with insect allergies.

Food allergy

Food allergies can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Swelling of the tongue, mouth, or throat
  • Hives
  • Tingling sensation in the mouth
  • Digestive issues

You may also experience facial swelling if you have a food allergy.

Drug allergy

Allergic reactions to drugs and chemicals can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Rash 
  • Facial swelling
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing

Many allergies can also cause a serious reaction called anaphylaxis. This life-threatening reaction requires immediate medical attention. Those with anaphylaxis may experience loss of consciousness, shallow breathing, weak pulse, or a sudden drop in blood pressure.

How are allergies diagnosed?

After reviewing your medical history, performing a physical exam, and asking questions regarding your symptoms, your provider at Fala Medical Clinic may order an allergy test. They may recommend one or more of the following tests:

Skin test

During a skin test, your doctor pricks your skin with a small amount of a certain allergen to see if you have a reaction. If you have an allergy, your reaction should develop within minutes or hours.

Blood test

Also called a radioallergosorbent test (RAST), allergy blood testing checks the level of antibodies in your bloodstream to see how sensitive you are to a certain allergen.

What are the treatments for allergies?

How your provider treats your allergy depends on the type you have. Common allergy treatments include prescription medications, over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines, avoidance of the allergen, as well as:


If you have a severe allergy that requires emergency care, your doctor may recommend carrying an epinephrine shot in case of emergency. The shot may help reduce your allergy symptoms while you seek emergency care.


Allergen immunotherapy gradually exposes your immune system to the allergen you’re allergic to until you eventually stop experiencing symptoms. Immunotherapy is a long-term treatment that typically takes more than a year.

To learn more about allergies, call Fala Medical Clinic or schedule an appointment online now.


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