
Our Services / Joint Injections

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Joint Injections services offered in Surprise, AZ

Chronic joint pain reduces your strength, range of motion, and mobility, making it difficult to enjoy your daily activities. At Fala Medical Clinic in Sun City, Arizona, Hamidullah Falla, MD, and Bridget Hoffman, NP, and Julia Shumkov, PA-C, perform targeted joint injections to reduce pain and improve your quality of life. Joint injections are quick and minimally invasive for individuals seeking lasting relief from chronic pain. To find out if joint injections are right for you, call Fala Medical Clinic or schedule an appointment online now.

Joint Injections Q & A

What are joint injections?

Joint injections contain anesthetic medication to numb pain and reduce inflammation while your joints heal. When combined with other treatments, such as physical therapy, joint injections can deliver lasting relief from joint pain. Injections are nonsurgical and take just a few minutes.

Joint injections are unique because they deliver medication precisely where you’re experiencing pain. Since inflammation is a common cause of joint pain, injecting medication into the area around the joint can help you regain mobility and range of motion while you heal.

Who benefits from joint injections?

Joint injections treat a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions, including those that affect the tendons, ligaments, and muscles supporting your joints. You may benefit from joint injections if you have:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

When you experience damage to the carpal tunnel that runs through your wrist or hand, you may feel pain, numbness, or weakness in your hand and fingers. 

Neck or back pain

Experiencing neck and back pain is extremely common in aging adults. Joint injections can help eliminate the pain while you recover.


Tendinitis can affect any of the tendons in your body, but it commonly develops around the knees, elbows, shoulders, heels, and wrists.


Arthritis is a degenerative and inflammatory condition that affects the joints. People with osteoarthritis (OA), the most common type of arthritis, experience a gradual loss of flexible cartilage around the joints. Meanwhile, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease, experience chronic inflammation around the joints.

What happens during joint injections?

Joint injections are fairly quick and straightforward. Your provider at Fala Medical Clinic may apply or inject a local anesthetic to improve your comfort. Next, they inject the pain-relieving medication directly into your area of pain.

How quickly patients feel relief from their pain varies. Some individuals experience immediate relief, while it can take a few days for others. In the meantime, ice your joint to minimize any pain or swelling after the injection.

How many joint injections will I need?

Many people feel noticeable pain relief after one shot, but you can typically return to Fala Medical Clinic up to 3-4 times a year for injections if your pain returns. The providers always perform evaluations beforehand to make sure additional injections are safe and beneficial for your condition.

To find out if you’re a candidate for joint injections, call Fala Medical Clinic or schedule an appointment online now.


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