
Our Services / Headache

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Headache services offered in Surprise, AZ

If chronic headaches are diminishing your quality of life, don’t hesitate to seek professional treatment. Hamidullah Falla, MD, and Bridget Hoffman, NP, and Julia Shumkov, PA-C, provide individualized treatment for all types of headaches at Fala Medical Clinic in Sun City, Arizona. With evidence-based techniques, the experienced medical professionals at Fala Medical Clinic can reduce or eliminate your headache symptoms. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

Headache Q & A

What is a headache?

A headache causes constant or intermittent pain in your head. Headaches can be mild and short-lived or severe and long-lasting. Some individuals get headaches in one area of their head, while others experience widespread pain that spreads to their eyes, ears, and neck. 

Without treatment, headaches can diminish your quality of life and ability to participate in loved activities.

Are there different types of headaches?

There are several types of headaches that can cause pain and sensitivity in your head, such as:

Tension headaches

A tension headache typically feels like a band squeezing around your head. Many individuals with tension headaches frequently experience pressure around the forehead, temples, and back of the head.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are painful, short-lived headaches that generally last around 20 minutes to two hours. You can go months without a cluster headache before experiencing them multiple times a day for days or weeks. Other common symptoms associated with cluster headaches include one-sided pain, a droopy eyelid, or nasal congestion.

Sinus headaches

Sinus headaches occur when the sinuses inside your nose, cheekbones, and forehead become inflamed or infected. A sinus headache commonly feels like a dull ache or pressure that often accompanies nasal congestion, a runny nose, or facial swelling.


The most common type of headaches, migraines typically manifest as one-sided pain that may also cause light and sound sensitivity and nausea and vomiting. Most migraines last around 2-72 hours, but some can last longer. If you experience migraines, laying down in a dark, quiet room may be your primary source of relief until the headache subsides.

What can cause a headache?

What causes your headache typically depends on the type. The most common causes of headaches include:

  • Nerve damage or inflammation
  • Muscle tension or injury
  • Chemical activity in the brain
  • Underlying disease

Diet, dehydration, stress, poor sleep habits, alcohol consumption, and too much caffeine can also trigger headaches in many individuals.

What are the best headache treatments?

Headaches typically require a multimodality approach to treatment. After a comprehensive exam and review of your medical history, your provider at Fala Medical Clinic may recommend one or more of the following:

  • Dietary modifications
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Minimizing alcohol intake
  • Fluids
  • Sleep habit changes
  • Prescription medication
  • Supplements
  • Stress reduction

To learn more about headaches and how to treat them, call Fala Medical Clinic or schedule an appointment online now.


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